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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Google Chrome Extension: Hover Zoom

Google Chrome's Extension "Hover Zoom" has some pretty neat educational applications.  It allows you to zoom in on smaller image simply by hovering your mouse over the images.  Now unfortunately it doesn't work on every image, but it is constantly expanding the sites that it uses.  As a teacher therefore you can use it to "blow" up images that you find on the internet that are just a little too small for your students to see from the back of the room.

Below is a picture depicting how "Hover Zoom" works.  Hovering the mouse over the thumbnail image circle in red produces the larger images.

Instructions:  Just go to the following link. "Hover Zoom"  Once there click the "Add to Chrome" button.


  1. If is actually a nice feature.. Sometimes when you are looking for images you don't need to open each and everyone of them.. You can simply place your cursor over it and you can see the enlarged view.. It is sometimes really annoying when you are searching for some images online, you open one and thats not what you want, this is annoying to go back to th eprevious page and look again.. The Hover Zoom works perfect in such cases..
    Google Chrome Support

  2. When using Hover Zoom on a picture, will the program enter the site and "open up" the picture? For example: A blog has had 100 visitors last day. If I google pictures and use Hover Zoom on a picture from that blog, will the blog then has received 101 visitors? Simply, will I contribute to the blog's amount of visitors, its possible revenues and so on when I Google and use "Zoom" on that picture?

    Hope you understood my question. Answers are always appreciated.

    1. I do not believe that hovering over an image on a blog will change the visitor count. That is a good question though, but I accidentally hover zoom all the time while writing my blog and I don't notice page view changing. I think the writer of the software is just zooming in in the image. I could be wrong though.

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